The Physical Environment Reinforces Who We Are

The Physical Environment Reinforces Who We Are   In mythology, film, literature, and daily living, setting is important: Zeus on Mt.Olympus, Poseidon in the sea, Hades in the underworld, Artemis in the forest, and Hestia at the hearth inside the temple. In film, as in literature and in daily life, the words “don’t move,” when uttered in a doctors’ office versus in a jungle, or onstage, or in a dark deserted ...

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The Teenager’s Brain

If you are reading this, you are probably a parent, a teacher, or perhaps even a teen yourself. In any case, you feel confounded by unpredictable and volatile behavior, emotions which seem to arise like tornados from out of the blue, and a parade of identities which seem to change as fast as a runway model’s wardrobe. What causes all this chaos and confusion? In this article I will summarize some of the new re...

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Arthritis Pain: Which Supplement is Right for You?

“My hands and wrists thumped with pain all the time.” “I had joint inflammation so bad that I couldn’t dress myself.” “I had stiff hands, and my feet hurt, especially in the morning.” Does this sound like you? In our fast paced world, joint pain is more and more common. Whether it stems from arthritis, a sports injury, or wear and tear from a lifetime of use, joint pain can be debilitating. It prevents you f...

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Is Your Arthritis all in your Guts?

“When New York chef Seamus Mullen, 40, was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2007, he tried the usual treatments, including anti-inflammatory drugs, biologics and steroids,” reports Julie Deardorff, Tribune Newspapers1. “He saw a doctor who suspected his arthritis was driven by an imbalance in his gut. Mullen followed a strict protocol involving more exercise, more rest, eliminating refined sugars and gr...

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